Sunday, 9 September 2018


Its Paramount we understand who we are
What we are
What we have and
Who we serve
Our enemies should call us sir
With respect,
With that i take a bold step
To say we are generals in this holy war,
And with our spiritual lyrics troops,
We can take over the world like a military coup.
As we fight to spread the mystical truth.
But first it all begins with you.
But then the you within you still asks who,
When the fire within you,
Burns and urges you,
To invent,  make a difference and do something new,
I say let your light shine your time is due.


I AM a god,  made by his word, command all my enemies to die by the sword.
I AM a preacher for the lost,  sent in all cardinal directions like the corners of the cross.
I AM a child of God spoilt in love, I'm no judge but i will sentence you all.
I AM who I've always been, but what God says i am is my destiny.

You've been given dominion to cast out every evil legion
Trample over the devil's minion
Be the captain of your life,  lemme hear you roar like a lion.
From Colossians;
we've been circumcised
from this bodily flesh by the circumcision in Jesus Christ,
And you've been baptized, comma buried with him,   arouse from sin, with him,  through faith in G-O-D full stop.
I live in him
He lives in me
our location you cannot see
Though the change in the world is rampant
You and i would remain God's constant
so no matter where i am
I remain who i am
the son of God- the i am that i am

Cause I Am

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